Our phones are ringing off the hook about the seasonal and H1N1 flu. Here are some of the frequently asked questions we've been getting. Please share with your friends and family.
Q. What are the common symptom of the H1N1 flu?
A. H1N1 flu symptoms are similar to those of the season flu. They include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Body aches
- Headache
- Chills and fatigue
- Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea
Young children may not have typical symptoms, but may have trouble breathing or not be as active as usual. Children younger than 5 years are more likely to have serious illness than older children. Flu infections can be severe in children with a chronic medical condition.
Q. What is Dayton Children's current visitation policy?
A. We are closely watching the seasonal flu and H1N1 (swine flu) and taking steps to protect our staff and parents and families of patients, while operating as normal. These are the temporary changes that have been made to our inpatient visition policy:
- Visitation is limited to only parents, grandparents and legal guardians.
- Limited visits by siblings or others for special circumstances may be arranged in advance with the nursing staff.
- No more than two visitors per patient should be in a patient’s room at any time.
- In general, for the inpatient units, only children being treated at Dayton Children’s should be brought into the facility.
- ALL visitors should be healthy - free from fever, cough or colds or stomach virus symptoms. Any visitor with signs of illness should not visit.
While we understand this may cause some families an inconvenience, this is necessary to prevent the spread of illness. We will continue to watch the situation daily and communicate new information or changes. We appreciate everyone's patience and cooperation in doing what's best for our patients and staff.
Q. Where can I go to get my child vaccinated for the seasonal flu?
A. Public Health Dayton & Montgomery County has the seasonal flu vaccine and is holding clinics. Contact the Immunization Clinic at 225-4550. Visit
here for a complete listing of upcoming clinics. If you live in Warren County, the
Warren County Health Department also has the seasonal flu vaccine.