- Dress children in layers and have them wear insulated boots. Double socks and double mittens will keep children insulated and add a little extra warmth. Mittens are warmer than gloves because they keep all fingers together.
- Change socks and mittens frequently. If children sit in wet, cold clothing they may be more susceptible to illness including hypothermia or abnormally low body temperature.
- Remember to cover the body’s most susceptible regions: ears, fingers and toes. Keep hats on children because most body heat escapes from the head.
- Clothes should be kept dry.
- Set reasonable time limits on outdoor play– bring children in periodically to warm up and change from any wet clothing.
- Check children every 15 to 20 minutes to make sure they aren’t too cold and their layers remain ON.
- If you are in an area with deep snow, dress children in bright-colored clothing so they can be seen among snowdrifts.
- Don’t forget sunscreen. The winter sun reflects off winter snow increasing dangerous rays.
For more tips about safe winter play visit our website.