Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The true meaning of caring and compassion

Nevin is a cancer patient at Dayton Children's. He has to stay at the hospital for treatment for long periods of time and is not able to venture outside. During one of his rehab therapy treatments, Nevin was angry and upset. Miss Janet asked Nevin what he would like to do the next time she came to see him for his therapy. Nevin said he wanted to play in the snow and make a snowman. So, Miss Janet brought the snow to Nevin and they made a snowman together in his hospital room. His face lit up with joy! This is a true testament to the kind, compassionate and caring staff we have at Dayton Children's. It's the little things that mean the most. View our video here. View more photos and see what Nevin's snowman turned out like here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dr. Ramey interviewed by WDTN, story airs Wed, 2/10

Dr. Ramey was recently interviewed by Michell Kingsfield of WDTN-Channel 2. Get a behind the scenes look as he talks about how to have difficult conversations with your kids. View the video preview here.

For more about this topic, watch WDTN Wednesday evening, 2/10/10 or log on to their website Click on the "Participate" tab and then click on "Need 2 Know."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Talking about tough topics with your kids - where to start?

Dr. Ramey presents "Talking about tough topics with your kids - where to start?"

He will discuss how to talk to your kids about death, depression, divorce and other difficult topics.

Thursday, March 18
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Dayton Children's Specialty Care Center - Warren County
100 Campus Loop Road, Suite A

Located on the Atrium Medical Center campus
Get directions
Seating is limited. RSVP by March 15 to Betsy Woods or call 937-641-3619.

About Dr. Ramey
Gregory Ramey, PhD, is the vice president for outpatient services and child psychologist at Dayton Children's. Dr. Ramey writes FamilyWise, a weekly parenting column in the Dayton Daily News that is distributed through the New York Times wire service.

Dr. Ramey received his undergraduate degree from Lake Forest College in 1971, his Master’s degree from Harvard University and his Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts.

Since joining Dayton Children's in 1979, Ramey has focused on issues regarding child sexual abuse, parent-child communication, divorce and developmental and behavioral problems of young children. He also has a strong interest in the attributes of “effective parents.” He has given numerous interactive workshops on those parenting skills that seem to be related to raising productive and well-adjusted children.