One of Dayton Children's patient’s mom, Kristi Enz, recently posted pictures and ideas to make healthy lunches for her kids on her facebook page. I saw how much feedback she got and thought, “What a great idea for Dayton Children’s blog!” So, with Kristi’s permission, I have included some great ideas on healthy lunches to make your kids. Kristi even admits that it’s hard to get her kids to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, but she found some fun ideas to try.
From Kristi:
I decided to pack Zach and Taylor’s lunches because it saves money, it produces less waste, it's healthier and fun for me. It only takes 10-12 minutes to make two lunches every day. I want my kids lunches to be visually appealing and contain a fruit, veggie, protein and carb. We also use BPA free, stainless steel reusable containers to drink out of.
Idea #1
Cantaloupe, maple leaf cookie (you can find these at Trader Joes), peanut butter and strawberry preserves dino sandwich on whole wheat and fish crackers
Idea #2
Half banana and a Clementine orange, Baby Bel cheese round, peanut butter and strawberry preserves dino sandwich on whole wheat and a homemade brownie bite (made with applesauce instead of oil)
Idea #3
Halved cantaloupe and grapes, homemade brownie bite (made with applesauce instead of oil), peanut butter and jelly star sandwich on whole wheat, hardboiled egg and a cheese kabob
Idea #4
Cheese and cucumber rolled in turkey, Clementine orange and some blueberries, and two homemade brownie bites (made with applesauce instead of oil)
Idea #5
Carrots with a small container of ranch dressing, halved grapes, peanut butter and jelly pinwheels on whole wheat (use a rolling pin to flatten the bread, roll and cut), multi-grain crackers with laughing cow cheese spread and some cat cookies (can get these at Trader Joes)
Zach's green and blue lunch box is called a Laptop Lunch Box. You can find them at local stores. More information here: View more ideas on Kristi's blog at
Guest post by Kristi Enz,Troy
Monday, August 30, 2010
Dayton Children's 2010-2011 Kohl's a Minute for Kids Campaign Launches!
Each year, Kohl’s Department Stores raises money for children’s initiatives nationwide through its Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program. This year Kohl’s will be donating $141, 351 to Dayton Children’s. Dayton Children’s will be using this funding for our Kohl’s a Minute for Kids campaign. This year’s campaign will focus on the importance of healthy lifestyles for children and families.
The experts at Dayton Children’s will be sharing actionable tricks and tips for parents through a radio campaign and other print items to address childhood obesity and many of the challenges that go along with the disease. Since 1999, Kohl’s has donated more than $1,165,087 to Dayton Children’s through Kohl’s Cares®.
We are very grateful to Kohl’s Department Stores and the outreach work we are able to do because of their generosity!
For more information about the Kohl's a Minute for Kids campaign visit our website.
The experts at Dayton Children’s will be sharing actionable tricks and tips for parents through a radio campaign and other print items to address childhood obesity and many of the challenges that go along with the disease. Since 1999, Kohl’s has donated more than $1,165,087 to Dayton Children’s through Kohl’s Cares®.
We are very grateful to Kohl’s Department Stores and the outreach work we are able to do because of their generosity!
For more information about the Kohl's a Minute for Kids campaign visit our website.
Kohl's a Minute for Kids
Beating the Bully
Bullying can happen for a number of reasons; however research indicates that weight is more important than gender, race, and socioeconomic status in predicting who will be the target of bullying among third to sixth graders. In addition, obese preteens are more likely to be bullied than their normal weight peers.
“If your child confides in you that he or she is being bullied, take the problem seriously,” says Greg Ramey, PhD, pediatric psychologist at Dayton Children’s.
“Bullying shouldn’t be dismissed as the teasing we all experience throughout our lives. Half of our kids are victims of bullying, which can involve physical threats or verbal intimidation either in person or over the Internet.”
Children shouldn’t have to suffer with hurtful name calling, threats, rumors, and intimidation. Work with your child to develop positive strategies to deal with a bully.
“It’s hard for children to talk about this problem, so compliment your child for bringing this to your attention,” says Dr. Ramey, “Listen to your child and ask them to explain their feelings. Let them know that you understand their feelings and that it’s OK for them to feed ad or worried.”
Then, help your child figure out what may work in their situation, such as ignoring the bully, staying with group of friends, or avoiding situations where bullying typically occurs.
For more tips about bullying from Dr. Ramey visit our website.
Kohl's a Minute for Kids,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Healthy Eating on Vacation
Golden memories from family vacations are wonderful reminders of the special connection between family members. Each new place opens our horizons and provides a shared experience that keeps families close. Nothing can make you feel closer than spending 24hrs a day together in a small space such as a vehicle or hotel room, but it all seems worthwhile for a new adventure. Images from the movie, National Lampoon’s Vacation, remind us how exciting it is to finally reach our place of interest. The glorious run of Clark Griswold and his son, Russ, from the parking lot to the opening gates of the amusement park exhibits the rise of emotion upon reaching our destination during our travels.
While these new and magical places provide us with fun and excitement, sometimes being away from home can interfere with our daily routines and nutrition. Eating on the road can leave us feeling slow, tired, and irritable. We can avoid some of the discomfort of being away from home by planning ahead so we are able to sit back and enjoy the ride. Here are some nutrition tips to make travel more comfortable:
Plan Ahead
While most of us don’t go to the gym while we are on vacation, there are many other ways to keep ourselves moving and have fun. Many amusement parks and nature parks that we encounter on our travels require walking. We can add extra movement by picking up the pace every once awhile, which allows us to see even more in less time. We can also build in more activity by parking farther out, walking to nearby sites when possible or renting bikes for the family. If you bring along the DVD player or video games, try and keep your kids active by allowing them to only be used when on the road. Some destinations naturally provide more activity such as camping and hiking. Others may require a more deliberate approach such as choosing a hotel with a swimming pool or stopping for a stroll on the drive.
From Marisa VanSchuyver, clinical dietician at Dayton Children's.
While these new and magical places provide us with fun and excitement, sometimes being away from home can interfere with our daily routines and nutrition. Eating on the road can leave us feeling slow, tired, and irritable. We can avoid some of the discomfort of being away from home by planning ahead so we are able to sit back and enjoy the ride. Here are some nutrition tips to make travel more comfortable:
Plan Ahead
- Bring snacks/meals along for the ride: If possible pack a cooler for more options.
- Some great snacks that won’t leave you feeling bloated and weighed down like those fast food or convenience store items include:
- Fresh fruit- grapes, cherries, pre-sliced apples and oranges, bananas and berries in individual baggies hold up well.
- Sliced veggies- carrots, celery, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas and cherry tomatoes are easy and crunchy snacks. Take along some hummus or low-fat ranch for dipping.
- Trail mix- buy prepackaged or make your own with dried fruit, nuts and seeds.
- Granola bars- there are so many varieties; choose one with fiber and/or protein
- Peanut butter sandwiches or crackers - graham crackers or baked snack crackers can provide fiber. Peanut butter provides protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling full.
- If you have a cooler- try low fat yogurt, string cheese, sandwiches with lean meats and bagels and low-fat cream cheese
- Bring along lots of water!! Try sugar free flavor pouches for variation without the calories of soft drinks.
- Part of the fun of being on vacation is trying local cuisine that is unavailable in your area. Choose these local foods as part of your shared experience.
- Research what is available in the area; there may be a healthier option than fast food if you know where to go. Ask around or plan out options before you leave.
- Choose meals wisely. Restaurants tend to give us larger portions that we need, and if you’re eating out 3 meals per day that can really add up. Try sharing meals or desserts, take advantage of the snacks you brought, and the continental breakfast at the hotel. Choose items from each food group and eat only until full rather than cleaning your plate.
- If eating fast food, choose fruit and milk as sides versus fries and soda.
- At restaurants- ask about how the item is prepared and ask for substitutions. For example, ask for salad dressing on the side, steamed veggies versus fries and hold the mayo.
- Find local supermarkets at your destination to get some items for your hotel room and become a real local.
While most of us don’t go to the gym while we are on vacation, there are many other ways to keep ourselves moving and have fun. Many amusement parks and nature parks that we encounter on our travels require walking. We can add extra movement by picking up the pace every once awhile, which allows us to see even more in less time. We can also build in more activity by parking farther out, walking to nearby sites when possible or renting bikes for the family. If you bring along the DVD player or video games, try and keep your kids active by allowing them to only be used when on the road. Some destinations naturally provide more activity such as camping and hiking. Others may require a more deliberate approach such as choosing a hotel with a swimming pool or stopping for a stroll on the drive.
From Marisa VanSchuyver, clinical dietician at Dayton Children's.
healthy eating,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Dayton Children's Launches New Website
Just after the Fourth of July, a monumental event took place. There were no fireworks, just a seamless transition from old to new. After months of research and development, Dayton Children's launched our new website. The feedback we received from moms was invaluable in helping us develop a site we hope will become of valuable resource to those who seek support in raising happy, healthy children.
Besides a new look and feel, here's what you'll find when you visit
Besides a new look and feel, here's what you'll find when you visit
- More than 5,000 parent-friendly articles on health and safety topics from asthma care to making sure you teenager's job is safe. If you have a question concerning your child's health and development, there's probably an answer in this vast resource library.
- A symptom/condition search right on the home page that eases your ability to find information on that condition and the doctors who treat it.
- A find-a-doctor tool that helps you quickly find a doctor by name, specialty or near where you live.
- More robust patient and visitor information to help you prepare for your child's visit to Dayton Children's including questions to ask your doctor.
- A listing of our locations complete with Google map capability so you can easily find us.
health and safety,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
In the World of Convenience Foods
With our current fast paced lifestyles, we often depend more than we would like to on convenience meal options. About half of our food dollar is spent on eating outside the house and at least one meal a day is eaten outside the home.
Fast food, vending machines, carry-out and gas stations all are places we grab a quick bite plus processed foods at the grocery store, and without meaning to, we are then eating meals that are high in fat, calories, sodium and low in fiber.
Planning meals and stocking our pantries and refrigerators will allow for more nutritious meals and likely will reduce the meals we eat outside our homes, along with saving a buck or two.
Ideas for planning:
Becky has been a clinical dietitian at Dayton Children's since 2000. Currently, she works in the Pediatric Intensive Care and Intermediate Care Units and for Children's Home Care. Becky received her BS in Dietetics from the University of Cincinnati and completed her dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital. She is also Board Certified as a Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition. Becky has worked in adult hospitals, with the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC), and as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Dayton. She enjoys cooking, teaching, and working with the pediatric population. She loves dietetics because she loves food and how it can help people to perform their best. Becky and her husband Alex are proud parents of 3 children, Patrick, Matthew, and Edward.
Fast food, vending machines, carry-out and gas stations all are places we grab a quick bite plus processed foods at the grocery store, and without meaning to, we are then eating meals that are high in fat, calories, sodium and low in fiber.
Planning meals and stocking our pantries and refrigerators will allow for more nutritious meals and likely will reduce the meals we eat outside our homes, along with saving a buck or two.
- Write a menu for the week and have the ingredients on hand
- Assemble tonight’s dinner this morning and cook all day in the crock pot
- When time to cook, cook extra and freeze
- Pack breakfast/lunch/snacks the night before
- Keep on hand easy-to-grab foods
- Fruit: seasonal fresh fruit in bowl on table/ready to grab in refrigerator , fruit cups (Natural and packed in own juices), dried fruit packets
- Veggies: carrots (and low fat dip) ready to eat, wash and cut veggies for stir fry/snacking/steaming, frozen vegetables
- Dairy: (choose low fat items) yogurt cups/drinks, string/cubed cheese, milk, cottage cheese cups
- Grains: (choose whole grain) keep cooked pasta/rice in refrigerator, baked chips, pretzels, low fat popcorn, wraps/bread
- Meats and other proteins: hummus, cooked/canned beans, low fat refried beans, roasted/rotisserie chicken, hardboiled eggs, salt free nuts and canned tuna in water
- Choose grilled, baked, steamed foods more often and fried foods less
- Order kid sized menu items (but be wary of kid’s menu items which are often less nutritious than adult options)
- Choose low milk/dairy options vs. high sugar sodas
- Consider fruit/side salad vs. fries
- Split your order. Take home half of your meal. Share fries with the family.
- Add veggies to your sandwich. Top baked potato with veggies vs. the calorie laden alternatives (margarine and sour cream).
- Choose lean meat menu items and whole grain breads
- Choose fresh fruit for dessert. Or, split the dessert with a friend/family.
Becky has been a clinical dietitian at Dayton Children's since 2000. Currently, she works in the Pediatric Intensive Care and Intermediate Care Units and for Children's Home Care. Becky received her BS in Dietetics from the University of Cincinnati and completed her dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital. She is also Board Certified as a Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition. Becky has worked in adult hospitals, with the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC), and as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Dayton. She enjoys cooking, teaching, and working with the pediatric population. She loves dietetics because she loves food and how it can help people to perform their best. Becky and her husband Alex are proud parents of 3 children, Patrick, Matthew, and Edward.
healthy eating,
healthy foods
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Media Opportunities
There were also many media opportunities during Family Advocacy Day to help get information out to the public about the importance of children's hospitals and pediatric specialists. Michael Dosedel, our ambassador, had a few opportunities to speak with members of the press and tell his amazing story!
Michael and his mother, Ginger, telling their story for NACHRI's online video archive
Michael doing a radio interview with WHIO-AM in Dayton
Family Advocacy Day
Taking in Washington DC
Although our main goal of Family Advocacy Day was to talk with legislators and speak on behalf of Dayton Children's - there was some downtime to see the beautiful sites and meet some other amazing children and families.
Here is Michael Dosedel in front of the US Capitol
Here is Michael trading "cards" with another ambassador!
All of the kids in town for Family Advocacy Day watching a magician at the
Red, White and Blue Spectacular!
Family Advocacy Day
Visiting with Legislators
Visiting with legislators is the most important part of Family Advocacy Day. It's really important for us to share with our legislators the importance of children's hospitals and pediatric specialists.
Here are some photos from our visits with our Ohio legislators.
Michael and Ginger Dosedel with Congressman Steve Austria
Michael Dosedel talking with Congressman Mike Turner
Michael Dosedel with Congressman Jim Jordan
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Making new friends!
Here is Mike making some new friends in Washington D.C.
This is Colby, age 7, from Children's Medical Center - Dallas!
Washington so far...
From Mike: Just finished with a few radio interviews! This trip is shaping up to be very exciting and also a great oppertunity for me to help represent Children's Hospitals all around the country. I have met many great people who are phenomanal advocates for the cause. I am very honored at having been allowed to do this. I am looking forward to speaking to Congressman Mike Turner this afternoon, and getting a tour of the Capitol with Congressman Austria/staff!
In Washington DC for Family Advocacy Day
We just arrived in Washington DC for the NACHRI Family Advocacy Day! We are excited to be joined by Michael and Ginger Dosedel. Michael is one of our amazing patients! Follow us the next few days to see watch his adventure!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Top 10 Tips for a Healthy, Happy Summer!
Tips from Marin Gilbert, one of our dieticians at Dayton Children's for a healthy, happy summer!
- Start the day off right with a healthy breakfast. Sleeping-in while on break is not a good excuse to skip the most important meal of the day! A simple bowl of non-sugary cereal with low fat milk and a banana will provide energy for the morning.
- Aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Summer is the season to experiment- try new tastes, a variety of colors, and enjoy different shapes and textures!
- Include a variety from all food groups. Each night, try dividing your dinner plate into four sections- two sections should be vegetables, one section starch (rice, bread, pasta), and one section protein (poultry, fish, beans, etc.). Have a glass of milk with dinner or yogurt and fruit for dessert!
- Limit sugary drinks. Avoid pop, fruit drinks, and juice- the calories add up fast! Instead, try fresh fruit, sugar-free drinks and lots of water.
- Water, water, water! Staying hydrated during the summer months is especially important. Water is the best beverage to keep you cool AND quench your thirst.
- Limit screen time to less than 2 hours per day. Take advantage of your summer break by enjoying outdoor activities, reading a good book, or catching up with friends and family.
- Get movin’! Strive for 60 minutes of active play every day. Some ideas include hiking, roller blading, biking, swimming or dancing.
- Allow your child to be involved food choices. Take your child to the store with you and let him/her pick out a new fruit or vegetable weekly. Also, find some kid-friendly recipes and allow your child to help you with the preparation.
- Limit fast food eating. Busy summer schedules and vacations can mean increased dining out frequency. Try to cut eating out to two times per week or less. When you do go out to eat, plan ahead by picking a restaurant with healthier options.
- Set a good example. Your children will be looking to see what is on your plate! If you would like your children to be healthy eaters and have an active lifestyle, you must do the same.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Recommendations for Children with Allergies
As we've been sharing all week - some recommendations have changes to help parents avoid their children developing food allergies, the recommendations for children with allergies haven’t changed much. Here’s what you need to know:
To learn what to do to try to avoid a food allergies visit our website.
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
- Continue to build a healthy immune system by eating an anti-oxidant rich diet
- If you are breastfeeding, avoid eating the food causing the allergy
- Don’t let the child eat the food or any foods containing the allergenic ingredients.
- Work with your child’s doctor if you want to try cooked versions of the allergenic food. In many – but not all! – cases, cooking changes the food so it no longer causes an allergic reaction.
- Roasting peanuts increases allergenicity
- Cooking fruits and vegetables decreases allergenicity – except for celery
- Kids usually don’t outgrow peanut or tree nut allergies, but it is possible. They will often outgrow other food allergies by their teen years.
To learn what to do to try to avoid a food allergies visit our website.
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
food allergies,
food allergy,
food safety
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Avoiding Food Allergy Challenges for Your Baby or Toddler
As we mentioned a couple days ago, there are some new recommendations for parents on how to avoid food allergies.
In this time of change, what can you do for your baby or toddler to avoid problems?
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
In this time of change, what can you do for your baby or toddler to avoid problems?
- Eat an antioxidant-rich diet while pregnant and breastfeeding
- At least 5 fruits and vegetables a day but preferably 9. (Babies will eat a lot less – that’s okay, just keep offering
- At least ½ of grains from whole grain sources
- Include nuts and seeds at least a few times a week
- Choose most of your fat sources from MUFA (olives, olive oil, nuts, nut oils, avocado) or n-3 (fish, flax)
- Get adequate milk with added vitamin D
- Breastfeed for at least 6 months; breastfeeding through the introduction of foods might help reduce developing allergies to those foods.
- If infant formula is needed before 6 months of age,
- Use standard cow’s milk formula for children without any parent/sibling history of allergies
- For children with a family history of allergies, use a partially hydrolyzed cow’s milk formula
- For children with a known cow’s milk allergy, use elemental formulas.
- Delay introducing any foods until 4-6 month
- No need to delay introducing any specific foods, even in high-risk infants
- Offer a new food every 2-3 days
- Feed your children the same anti-oxidant rich diet for pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and milk
- Limit “snack food” that comes in bags, desserts, sweetened drinks
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
food allergies,
food safety
Sunday, May 9, 2010
New Recommendations for Avoiding Food Allergies
Big changes are happening with the recommendations on how to avoid food allergies in babies and children! Here’s what is new:
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
- Avoiding certain foods during the first 1-3 years doesn’t seem to help avoid food allergies – and might actually make them worse.
- Plus, while food allergies are on the rise, so are other (“autoimmune”) disorders where the body mistakenly attacks healthy parts.
- The list of the foods thought to be most likely to cause allergies is changing.
- That means allergies and autoimmune disorders probably are caused by things in our environment.
- Instead of limiting a baby or toddler’s diet, focus on giving antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts to build a healthy immune system.
- Breastfeeding decreases food allergy risk.
- Food intolerances occur far more often than food allergies and food allergy tests are very complicated to interpret. Work only with a physician and dietitian very familiar with food allergies.
- You can’t predict who will develop a food allergy.
This article is part one of a three-part series this week to highligh Food Allergy Awareness Week 2010.
About our expert Rachel Riddiford, MS, RD, LD.
Rachel has been an employee of Dayton Children's since 2004. She is currently the Manager of Clinical Dietetics and works as an eating disorder specialist in the Nutrition Clinic. Rachel completed her BS in Dietetics at Western Michigan University, Master's degree at University of Dayton, and dietetic internship at Indiana University/Purdue University. She has also completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate.
food allergies,
food safety
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Spring Food Safety
Spring is here and summer is upon us, which is the time for cookouts and picnics with friends and family. During warmer weather, it is important to protect our family and ourselves from foodborne illnesses (FBI), which are diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and parasites in our food. Symptoms of FBI are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, head ache, and fever. Some bacteria, such as botulism, can cause symptoms that can be severe and life threatening, such as problems swallowing and breathing. To keep FBI away from your picnic, here are some tips from our pediatric experts:
About our Expert: Shannon Burkett, RD, LD, dietician at Dayton Children's
Shannon is a gradute of Purdue University with a BA in elementary education and a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago with a DPD Dietetics and Nutrition. She completed a dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital and worked at WIC and long term care before coming to Dayton Children's. Shannon has worked with the Hematology and Oncology population at Dayton Children's for two years. She also has certificate in childhood and adolescent weight management through the American Dietetic Association. Her favorite hobby is cooking. She loves trying new recipes and creating meals from scratch. She says, "There is just something that is so rewarding about eating a delicious healthy meal that I have created, without using prepacked, processed foods. It’s both good for my body and my family's health!"
- Wash hands with soap and water for 15 seconds before and after preparing food and eating.
- Cook meat to proper temperature
- Turkey Thigh-180°F
- Turkey Breast-170°F
- Beef Roast/Prime Rib well done-170°F
- Hamburgers-160°F
- Pork Roast well done-170°F
- Ham 140°F
- Chicken breast-170°F
- Chicken drumstick/thigh/wing-180°F
- Sausage uncooked-160°F
- Sausage cooked-165°F
- Venison-160°F
- Fish-145°F
- Egg dishes-160°F
- Seafood-145°F
- Leftovers-165°F
- Hot foods should stay above 140 °F and cold foods below 40°F. Use ice to keep foods cold and food warmers to keep foods hot.
- Avoid keeping foods out of the temperature danger zone (40-140°F) for greater than 2 hours or 1 hour if temperature is above 90°F.
- Never thaw meats at room temperature. Thawing food in the temperature danger zone creates an environment for bacterial growth. The outside thaws before the inside, which increases the outside portion to temperatures above 40°F while the inside portion remains frozen.
- Meats should be thawed before cooking, unless food package states otherwise. This ensures that the meat cooks evenly.
- Avoid cross contamination. Use separate cutting boards for raw meats and vegetables.
- To avoid insects from coming into contact with your food, keep your meats and other dishes covered.
About our Expert: Shannon Burkett, RD, LD, dietician at Dayton Children's
Shannon is a gradute of Purdue University with a BA in elementary education and a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago with a DPD Dietetics and Nutrition. She completed a dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital and worked at WIC and long term care before coming to Dayton Children's. Shannon has worked with the Hematology and Oncology population at Dayton Children's for two years. She also has certificate in childhood and adolescent weight management through the American Dietetic Association. Her favorite hobby is cooking. She loves trying new recipes and creating meals from scratch. She says, "There is just something that is so rewarding about eating a delicious healthy meal that I have created, without using prepacked, processed foods. It’s both good for my body and my family's health!"
food safety,
healthy eating,
spring eating
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Green Cleaning: Avoiding Asthma and Allergy Triggers
When you have a child with asthma, spring cleaning is taken to a whole new level. You want to eliminate asthma triggers such as pollen, dust mites, mold and pet dander, but you need to be aware of how the cleaning itself can also be a trigger.
Belinda Huffman, pulmonary health and diagnostic coordinator at Dayton Children’s, has a lot of experience helping children with asthma and their families minimize exposure to triggers in the environment. Because asthma is the number-one diagnosis at Dayton Children’s, Huffman and other members of the pulmonary care team offer unparalleled expertise in caring for children with asthma and other respiratory disorders.
Belinda gives these four "green" cleaning tips to reduce asthma triggers:
Belinda Huffman, pulmonary health and diagnostic coordinator at Dayton Children’s, has a lot of experience helping children with asthma and their families minimize exposure to triggers in the environment. Because asthma is the number-one diagnosis at Dayton Children’s, Huffman and other members of the pulmonary care team offer unparalleled expertise in caring for children with asthma and other respiratory disorders.
Belinda gives these four "green" cleaning tips to reduce asthma triggers:
- Use your nose. Select cleaning products without strong or harsh scents. See guidelines below for choosing "healthier" cleaning products. Always follow instructions on cleaning products and keep lids and caps tightly sealed when not in use. Ingredients from solids and liquids give off vapors that we inhale and may enter our body tissues. Try to use as few cleaning products as possible. It’s not always necessary to have different products for the kitchen and bathroom.
- Read labels. Avoid products marked "Danger" or "Poison." Reduce your use of products marked "Caution" or "Warning." Reduce your use of products containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These include aerosol sprays, cleaners, disinfectants, moth repellents and air fresheners.
- Look for "green" products. Some have been certified by an independent institution such as GreenSeal. Just because something as a "natural-sounding" name doesn’t mean it is free of chemicals you want to avoid.
- Make your own. You can make your own cleaning products from simple and inexpensive ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, salt, soap and water. There are many books and online resources to help you make your own cleaning products.
green cleaning,
spring cleaning
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ohio's New Booster Seat Law
Ohio’s Booster Seat Law will soon be in full effect
Will your child be riding safely?
After many years of hard work and advocacy, Ohio’s booster seat law will go into full effect on April 7, 2010. This new law requires children under 8 and under 4’9” tall to be restrained in a booster seat once they have outgrown their car seat. For years we have seen the devastating impact of children “graduating too early” into the adult seat belt. We know this law and education associated with it will reduce injuries and save lives.
Dayton Children's has been working hard to educate parents and caregivers about the importance of booster seats.
Children, 4 to 8-years-old, are too small to be protected adequately by the car’s seat belt system, which is designed for an adult. Booster seats are designed to simply lift the child up so the child fits in a vehicle seat belt system more like an adult.
If the seat belt doesn’t fit a child, he or she tends to move away from the vehicle seatback creating space behind the child which may allow for the child to be ejected. Some children may also tuck the shoulder belt behind their back leaving no upper body protection which could result in severe injury to the abdomen, neck and head.
In addition, without a booster seat, an adult seat belt can actually cause injury in the event of a crash rather than preventing it. For instance, if the lap belt rests on your child’s stomach, which typically happens without a booster seat, your child could suffer liver, spleen, or spinal cord damage in a crash.
Make sure your child is riding safety in a booster seat with tips from Dayton Children's. If you have questions regarding your car or booster seat consider attending one of our local community car seat checks.
Will your child be riding safely?
After many years of hard work and advocacy, Ohio’s booster seat law will go into full effect on April 7, 2010. This new law requires children under 8 and under 4’9” tall to be restrained in a booster seat once they have outgrown their car seat. For years we have seen the devastating impact of children “graduating too early” into the adult seat belt. We know this law and education associated with it will reduce injuries and save lives.
Dayton Children's has been working hard to educate parents and caregivers about the importance of booster seats.
Children, 4 to 8-years-old, are too small to be protected adequately by the car’s seat belt system, which is designed for an adult. Booster seats are designed to simply lift the child up so the child fits in a vehicle seat belt system more like an adult.
If the seat belt doesn’t fit a child, he or she tends to move away from the vehicle seatback creating space behind the child which may allow for the child to be ejected. Some children may also tuck the shoulder belt behind their back leaving no upper body protection which could result in severe injury to the abdomen, neck and head.
In addition, without a booster seat, an adult seat belt can actually cause injury in the event of a crash rather than preventing it. For instance, if the lap belt rests on your child’s stomach, which typically happens without a booster seat, your child could suffer liver, spleen, or spinal cord damage in a crash.
Make sure your child is riding safety in a booster seat with tips from Dayton Children's. If you have questions regarding your car or booster seat consider attending one of our local community car seat checks.
booster seats,
car seat,
car seat safety
Monday, March 15, 2010
March 15-19 is Poison Prevention Week
Poisonings happen more often than car accidents or house fires. Each year, more than 1.2 million children ages 5 and younger are accidentally poisoned and 44 percent of these are from prescription drugs and other medicines. Of the oral prescription drugs ingested by children ages 4 and younger, over 20 percent belong to someone who does not live with the child -- often a grandparent or great-grandparent.
Young children are particularly susceptible to poisoning because they:
If you suspect poisoning and a child is choking, collapses, can’t breathe or is having a seizure, call 911. Otherwise, take the product to the phone and call the poison control hotline.
Young children are particularly susceptible to poisoning because they:
- Do not understand the consequences of their behavior
- Do not always learn from their experiences
- Will imitate adults
- Keep all harmful substances out of reach and sight.
- Put all substances away right after you use them. Never leave them out, even to answer phone or the door.
- Children can open safety locks. Keep poisons locked and stored in a high place.
- Do not store medication in your purse or handbag.
- Do not store poisons near food. Poisons may be mistaken for food.
- Do not keep medications on bedside tables.
- Read labels to find out what can be poisonous. Keep those things separate from toothpaste, soap and other things you use every day.
- Buy child-resistant packages when available. Keep products in their original packages to avoid confusion.
- Never leave medicines or potentially poisonous household products unattended while you are using them.
If you suspect poisoning and a child is choking, collapses, can’t breathe or is having a seizure, call 911. Otherwise, take the product to the phone and call the poison control hotline.
child poisoning,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Infant Deaths Prompt CPSC Warning About Sling Carriers for Babies
Those popular baby sling carriers have recently made the news. While there are many benefits of these products for moms and babies - there are also dangers for children, especially children younger than four months of age.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is advising parents and caregivers to be cautious when using infant slings for babies younger than four months of age. In researching incident reports from the past 20 years, CPSC identified and is investigating at least 14 deaths associated with sling-style infant carriers, including three in 2009. Twelve of the deaths involved babies younger than four months of age.
Slings can pose two different types of suffocation hazards to babies.
Two months ago, the Commission added slings to the list of durable infant products that require a mandatory standard. Additionally, CPSC staff is actively investigating these products to determine what additional action may be appropriate. Until a mandatory standard is developed, CPSC is working with ASTM International to quickly complete an effective voluntary standard for infant sling carriers.
CPSC recommends that parents and caregivers make sure the infant's face is not covered and is visible at all times to the sling's wearer. If nursing the baby in a sling, change the baby's position after feeding so the baby's head is facing up and is clear of the sling and the mother's body. Parents and caregivers should be vigilant about frequently checking their baby in a sling.
CPSC is interested in receiving incident or injury reports that are directly related to infant slings. You can do this by visiting or call CPSC's Hotline at (800) 638-2772. For more information about children's product recalls visit
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is advising parents and caregivers to be cautious when using infant slings for babies younger than four months of age. In researching incident reports from the past 20 years, CPSC identified and is investigating at least 14 deaths associated with sling-style infant carriers, including three in 2009. Twelve of the deaths involved babies younger than four months of age.
Slings can pose two different types of suffocation hazards to babies.
- In the first few months of life, babies cannot control their heads because of weak neck muscles. The sling's fabric can press against an infant's nose and mouth, blocking the baby's breathing and rapidly suffocating a baby within a minute or two.
- Additionally, where a sling keeps the infant in a curled position bending the chin toward the chest, the airways can be restricted, limiting the oxygen supply. The baby will not be able to cry for help and can slowly suffocate.
Two months ago, the Commission added slings to the list of durable infant products that require a mandatory standard. Additionally, CPSC staff is actively investigating these products to determine what additional action may be appropriate. Until a mandatory standard is developed, CPSC is working with ASTM International to quickly complete an effective voluntary standard for infant sling carriers.
CPSC recommends that parents and caregivers make sure the infant's face is not covered and is visible at all times to the sling's wearer. If nursing the baby in a sling, change the baby's position after feeding so the baby's head is facing up and is clear of the sling and the mother's body. Parents and caregivers should be vigilant about frequently checking their baby in a sling.
CPSC is interested in receiving incident or injury reports that are directly related to infant slings. You can do this by visiting or call CPSC's Hotline at (800) 638-2772. For more information about children's product recalls visit
infant slings,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Please help Dayton Children’s name our new retail store coming in June
Dayton Children’s is opening a store inside the hospital for patient families to purchase follow-up medical supplies such as thermometers, bandages, over-the-counter medications and medical equipment like gastro buttons and nebulizer, trach and CPAP supplies. We want your input on what the name of the store should be called.
Choose an option below or give us your ideas:
- Kids Rx
- Kidz+Med
- The Little Bandage
- Pediatric Rx
- Other ideas?
Monday, March 1, 2010
"Sexting" and cell phone use
Our next Kohl's a Minute for Kids campaign topic is "sexting" and responsible use of cell phones.
One of the big decisions parents face as their children get older is whether or not to get them a cell phone. After all, if they have a cell phone, they can stay in touch with you and their friends, you can reach them when you need them and, besides, most kids have cell phones these days. Children may start asking for a cell phone by age 10 or even younger.
Before saying "yes" to your child’s wish for a cell phone, make sure you understand the risks. One of the greatest risks is "sexting," or sending text messages with pictures of children or teens, who are naked or engaged in sexual acts.
Greg Ramey, PhD, a child psychologist at Dayton Children’s and Dayton Daily News columnist, points to sexting as one of the greatest risks of preteen and teen cell phone use. "Kids this age are totally unaware that such pictures can constitute child pornography and can result in criminal prosecution and designation as a sexual predator," he says. This can result in emotional pain for the sender, the receiver and the child in the picture.
For tips to protect your child from "sexting" and how to approach responsible cell phone usage visit our Kohl's A Minute of Kids microsite.
One of the big decisions parents face as their children get older is whether or not to get them a cell phone. After all, if they have a cell phone, they can stay in touch with you and their friends, you can reach them when you need them and, besides, most kids have cell phones these days. Children may start asking for a cell phone by age 10 or even younger.
Before saying "yes" to your child’s wish for a cell phone, make sure you understand the risks. One of the greatest risks is "sexting," or sending text messages with pictures of children or teens, who are naked or engaged in sexual acts.
Greg Ramey, PhD, a child psychologist at Dayton Children’s and Dayton Daily News columnist, points to sexting as one of the greatest risks of preteen and teen cell phone use. "Kids this age are totally unaware that such pictures can constitute child pornography and can result in criminal prosecution and designation as a sexual predator," he says. This can result in emotional pain for the sender, the receiver and the child in the picture.
For tips to protect your child from "sexting" and how to approach responsible cell phone usage visit our Kohl's A Minute of Kids microsite.
cell phones,
Dr. Ramey,
teen drivers,
Eat Together, Eat Better: 10 Tips for Great Family Meals
Eating meals together has many nutritional and social benefits for children. Kids who eat regularly with their families have healthier diets that contain more fruits, vegetables, calcium, iron, and fiber and less fat and soda than those who rarely join their families around the dinner table. Studies have suggested other advantages of eating together, including improved communication, better school performance, and decreased risk of substance abuse and unhealthy weight control practices.
Despite the many benefits of family meals, busy schedules can make it difficult for families to sit down for dinner together. Learn how to make family meals easy, fun, and meaningful affairs with these tips:
Leah Sabato, RD, LD is clinical dietitian in the Lipid Clinic and on the 3 West General Pediatrics floor at Dayton Children's. She loves working with children and their families and believes that good nutrition should be easy, tasty, and fun!
Despite the many benefits of family meals, busy schedules can make it difficult for families to sit down for dinner together. Learn how to make family meals easy, fun, and meaningful affairs with these tips:
- Make family meals a priority. If your family never eats meals together, start by scheduling family meals twice per week. Make time for dinner on your schedule just like you would for soccer practice or piano lessons.
- Keep food simple. Family dinner does not have to be lots of work. Grilled cheese and tomato soup with a salad or spaghetti with meat and veggie sauce are both healthy, kid-friendly meals that take less than 20 minutes to prepare.
- Offer balanced meals. Each meal should contain foods from every food group. A complete meal contains meat or beans, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy.
- Practice portion control. Encourage children to limit meat portions to the size of the palm of their hand, and grain portions to the size of their fist. Fruits and vegetables should fill half of the plate for a healthy meal.
- Eliminate distractions. Meal times are more meaningful when family members can focus on each other. Turn off the TV, put cell phones in another room, and enjoy spending time with the people you love.
- Keep stress away. Avoid using meal time for serious or stressful conversations. Arguments, criticism, and unpleasant topics have no place at the dinner table.
- Promote meaningful conversation. Go around the table and give each family member uninterrupted time to talk about their day. Encourage and support your children as they recall their successes and challenges.
- Make it fun! Make meal time fun and special. Try having a picnic on the floor, eating by candlelight, or using a bit of food coloring to make your mashed potatoes blue. These changes are memorable and fun, especially for younger kids.
- Forget about the clean plate club. Encourage kids to try all of the foods offered, but don’t force your child to eat something he doesn’t like or to eat more than she wants. These practices turn meal times into a battle and may promote an unhealthy relationship with food.
- Let your child help. Encourage your child to participate by setting the table, helping prepare food, or washing dishes. This teaches useful skills and helps your child to take ownership in family meals.
Leah Sabato, RD, LD is clinical dietitian in the Lipid Clinic and on the 3 West General Pediatrics floor at Dayton Children's. She loves working with children and their families and believes that good nutrition should be easy, tasty, and fun!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Snow play safety tips for parents
The snow continues to fall and many children are having a snow day! Here are some snow play safety tips from Lisa Schwing, trauma program manager at Dayton Children's.
- Wet and cold is always bad, so check on kids often and change wet hats and mittens immediately. Wind and water proof clothing is recommended.
- When sledding, children should always ride feet-first and sled down the middle of the hill. Climb back up the hill on the sides to avoid getting hit by sledders.
- Use judgment where you sled because some hills have steep drop-offs or other hazards.
- Wearing a helmet while sledding will prevent head injuries.
- Don’t let children build forts or bury others in snow because snow can collapse and trap someone.
- Suspect hypothermia if a child’s temperature drops significantly into the 90s. Treat by warming their core quickly with blankets around the chest, tummy and groin areas. Give them warm fluids if they are alert enough to drink. Don’t vigorously rub extremities.
- Signs of frostbite include tingling, numb or painful fingers, toes or ears.
snow play
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The true meaning of caring and compassion

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dr. Ramey interviewed by WDTN, story airs Wed, 2/10
Dr. Ramey was recently interviewed by Michell Kingsfield of WDTN-Channel 2. Get a behind the scenes look as he talks about how to have difficult conversations with your kids. View the video preview here.
For more about this topic, watch WDTN Wednesday evening, 2/10/10 or log on to their website Click on the "Participate" tab and then click on "Need 2 Know."
For more about this topic, watch WDTN Wednesday evening, 2/10/10 or log on to their website Click on the "Participate" tab and then click on "Need 2 Know."
Monday, February 8, 2010
Talking about tough topics with your kids - where to start?
Dr. Ramey presents "Talking about tough topics with your kids - where to start?"
He will discuss how to talk to your kids about death, depression, divorce and other difficult topics.
Thursday, March 18
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Dayton Children's Specialty Care Center - Warren County
100 Campus Loop Road, Suite A
Located on the Atrium Medical Center campus
Get directions
Seating is limited. RSVP by March 15 to Betsy Woods or call 937-641-3619.
About Dr. Ramey
Gregory Ramey, PhD, is the vice president for outpatient services and child psychologist at Dayton Children's. Dr. Ramey writes FamilyWise, a weekly parenting column in the Dayton Daily News that is distributed through the New York Times wire service.
Dr. Ramey received his undergraduate degree from Lake Forest College in 1971, his Master’s degree from Harvard University and his Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts.
Since joining Dayton Children's in 1979, Ramey has focused on issues regarding child sexual abuse, parent-child communication, divorce and developmental and behavioral problems of young children. He also has a strong interest in the attributes of “effective parents.” He has given numerous interactive workshops on those parenting skills that seem to be related to raising productive and well-adjusted children.
He will discuss how to talk to your kids about death, depression, divorce and other difficult topics.
Thursday, March 18
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Dayton Children's Specialty Care Center - Warren County
100 Campus Loop Road, Suite A
Located on the Atrium Medical Center campus
Get directions
Seating is limited. RSVP by March 15 to Betsy Woods or call 937-641-3619.
About Dr. Ramey
Gregory Ramey, PhD, is the vice president for outpatient services and child psychologist at Dayton Children's. Dr. Ramey writes FamilyWise, a weekly parenting column in the Dayton Daily News that is distributed through the New York Times wire service.
Dr. Ramey received his undergraduate degree from Lake Forest College in 1971, his Master’s degree from Harvard University and his Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts.
Since joining Dayton Children's in 1979, Ramey has focused on issues regarding child sexual abuse, parent-child communication, divorce and developmental and behavioral problems of young children. He also has a strong interest in the attributes of “effective parents.” He has given numerous interactive workshops on those parenting skills that seem to be related to raising productive and well-adjusted children.
child psychology,
Dr. Ramey,
tough topics
Friday, February 5, 2010
Safe on Saturday Event Details Announced
Safe Kids Greater Dayton, led by Dayton Children's, is hosting the 16th annual Safe on Saturday on Saturday, March 20, in partnership with the Parents Advancing Choice in Education (PACE) School and Community EXPO. The event will be held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Sinclair Community College, Building 12.
Safe on Saturday is a free day of fun and safety education for children and their families in the Miami Valley.
Activities include:
For more information about Safe on Saturday, call Dayton Children's at 937-641-3385.
Safe on Saturday is a free day of fun and safety education for children and their families in the Miami Valley.
Activities include:
- A bike safety station giving education and free helmets (quantities limited).
- The child passenger safety room focusing on Ohio’s new booster seat law with an opportunity for those who qualify to receive a free booster seat and education (quantities limited).
- The Franklin Fire Department’s Hazard House teaching children to recognize safety hazards in the home.
- The Dayton Children’s Teddy Bear Clinic welcoming children ages 4 through 12 and their favorite stuffed animal to learn about visiting the doctor.
- Kohl’s A Minute of Kids education stations covering burn prevention and dog bite safety.
- Many other safety stations covering topics such as poison safety, pedestrian safety, helmet safety, fire prevention, and much more!
The PACE School and Community EXPO will feature educational opportunities for every age – public schools, private schools, charter schools, faith-based schools, tutorial programs, after-school care options, supplemental education services, colleges and universities, adult education programs and much more! The EXPO is free to the public and will help parents and visitors make informed choices regarding education and provide an opportunity to find out what is available in the Greater Dayton community.
For more information about Safe on Saturday, call Dayton Children's at 937-641-3385.
car safety,
car seat safety,
children's safety,
Safe on Saturday
Unique Act of Gratitude
Steve and Jennifer Perez, parents of Benjamin Perez, have come up with a unique way to thank the many Dayton Children's staff members who cared for Benjamin during a hospital stay in our PICU that started December 29. As the owners of Tiger Joe's Fitness, they purchased advertising time on WHIO-TV during the local breaks of the Super Bowl this Sunday. In an unsolicited act of gratitude, the Perez’s are using their air time to thank our staff. Steve Perez says, "Dayton is lucky to have such a place. Our main goal in the commercial is just to thank those who helped Benjamin."
To view the ad, watch the Super Bowl or visit the front page of our website.
To view the ad, watch the Super Bowl or visit the front page of our website.
Super Bowl,
Super Bowl Ad
The Little Exchange to Host Bridal Event
The Little Exchange (one of Dayton Children's volunteer groups) is hosting "A Bridal Event on Park Avenue" and a VIETRI dinnerware trunk show on Saturday, February 20, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Admission is free. There will be door prizes and a favor for attending. For more information: 937-299-1561 or go to All proceeds will benefit Dayton Children's.
The Little Exchange is a fine gift shop located in Oakwood, a suburb of Dayton, Ohio. Founded in 1950 by Elsie T. Mead and her friends. The Little Exchange has been a charitable foundation for over fifty years. The shop features perfect bridal gifts, infant and toddler clothing and gifts, unique de`cor for the home, and men's and women's gifts for all occasions.
The Little Exchange is a fine gift shop located in Oakwood, a suburb of Dayton, Ohio. Founded in 1950 by Elsie T. Mead and her friends. The Little Exchange has been a charitable foundation for over fifty years. The shop features perfect bridal gifts, infant and toddler clothing and gifts, unique de`cor for the home, and men's and women's gifts for all occasions.
bridal event,
The Little Exchange
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Sponsored Silence Event
The “Sponsored Silence Event” at Wright State University men’s basketball game Saturday, January 30, was a big success. One hundred and seventeen tickets were sold to Dayton Children’s staff, friends and family with a portion of the proceeds coming to Dayton Children’s. Patients from the rehabilitative services department who use alternative/augmentative communication devices (speech generating devices) were highlighted at the game. The game began with Sara Pyszka, a senior at Wright State who has cerebral palsy and uses a computerized voice output system to communicate, sang the national anthem with her DynaVox. This was followed by a thunderous round of applause!
During the game, Wally B. Bear entertained children in the Kid’s Zone area and used a similar device from the Prentke Romich Company to communicate and teach kids about augmentative communication. Holly Pendleton, RN, director of general pediatrics and Gregory Ramey, PhD, child psychologist and vice president for outpatient services also volunteered to use devices to communicate during the game without actually talking. The final highlight of the event occurred after half time when they played a video of Hope Smith and Neal Lain, patients at Dayton Children’s. Both Neal and Hope attended the game along with many other families and Dayton Children’s staff members.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this amazing event - especially our incredible patients!
During the game, Wally B. Bear entertained children in the Kid’s Zone area and used a similar device from the Prentke Romich Company to communicate and teach kids about augmentative communication. Holly Pendleton, RN, director of general pediatrics and Gregory Ramey, PhD, child psychologist and vice president for outpatient services also volunteered to use devices to communicate during the game without actually talking. The final highlight of the event occurred after half time when they played a video of Hope Smith and Neal Lain, patients at Dayton Children’s. Both Neal and Hope attended the game along with many other families and Dayton Children’s staff members.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this amazing event - especially our incredible patients!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Health Benefits of Antioxidants
Are you tired of hearing your child’s pediatrician or dietitian preach about increasing fruits and vegetables? Replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains? Why not just give them a multivitamin? Perhaps you don’t eat fruits and vegetables and do not buy whole grain pasta or bread products. Are you thinking that the idea of making changes in your family’s eating habits is too much to handle right now? Besides, aren’t fruits and vegetables more expensive? Well, read on and learn!
Cardiovascular disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States. The cost for treatment of these diseases can put families in dept due to medical costs. Antioxidants, which are abundant in fruit, vegetables and whole grains, have been shown to reduce risks related to these diseases.
Is it worth paying an extra penny to include more of these foods in your diet? The answer is YES!
Food sources high in antioxidants:
Shannon is a gradute of Purdue University with a BA in elementary education and a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago with a DPD Dietetics and Nutrition. She completed a dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital and worked at WIC and long term care before coming to Dayton Children's. Shannon has worked with the Hematology and Oncology population at Dayton Children's for two years. She also has certificate in childhood and adolescent weight management through the American Dietetic Association. Her favorite hobby is cooking. She loves trying new recipes and creating meals from scratch. She says, "There is just something that is so rewarding about eating a delicious healthy meal that I have created, without using prepacked, processed foods. It’s both good for my body and my family's health!"
Cardiovascular disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States. The cost for treatment of these diseases can put families in dept due to medical costs. Antioxidants, which are abundant in fruit, vegetables and whole grains, have been shown to reduce risks related to these diseases.
Is it worth paying an extra penny to include more of these foods in your diet? The answer is YES!
Food sources high in antioxidants:
- Vitamin C: Broccoli, oranges, watermelon, red bell peppers, kiwi, mango, pineapple, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes
- Vitamin E (easily destroyed by heat): Vegetable oil, salad dressing, seeds, nuts, and peanut butter
- Beta-Carotene: Apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots
- Flavonoids: Whole grains, berries, black tea, celery, citrus fruits, green tea, olives, onion, oregano, purple grapes, purple grape juice, soybeans, and vegetables
- Make it a habit to include fruit with your child’s breakfast, give them a choice between different fruits to increase acceptance.
- Although fresh is best, if you find that fruits and vegetables age quickly in your home before use, buy canned or frozen instead to avoid waste.
- Always include a vegetable with lunch and dinner, even if your child chooses not to eat it. Someday, they will surprise you! If they are never offered these foods, they will likely not choose them as they grow and become more independent…so start now!!!
- Pasta sauce is a good source of antioxidants, dip bread sticks and pour onto meats/vegetables.
- Do not spend an arm and leg on supplements, spend it on food, whole food!! Your child is worth it!
Shannon is a gradute of Purdue University with a BA in elementary education and a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago with a DPD Dietetics and Nutrition. She completed a dietetic internship at Miami Valley Hospital and worked at WIC and long term care before coming to Dayton Children's. Shannon has worked with the Hematology and Oncology population at Dayton Children's for two years. She also has certificate in childhood and adolescent weight management through the American Dietetic Association. Her favorite hobby is cooking. She loves trying new recipes and creating meals from scratch. She says, "There is just something that is so rewarding about eating a delicious healthy meal that I have created, without using prepacked, processed foods. It’s both good for my body and my family's health!"
children's health,
healthy eating,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Body Shop
Dayton Children's announces our next session of "The Body Shop" - a program to help children manage their weight!
The Body Shop is a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coaching program for girls and boys ages 7 to 18. Small groups of students close in age meet one evening per week to learn about weight control with a registered dietitian, physical activities leader and counselor. Parents also work with the staff and a clinical psychologist to assist their children in meeting their weight-control goals.
The Body Shop is an 8-week program.
Classes are held once-weekly on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
The Body Shop Winter 2010 program will be held at Cleveland Elementary School and begin January 26th, 2010. Enrollment is this session is open to children 7-12 years only.
For more information or to register for this program, please call The Body Shop at 937-641-3504
Coming soon: Date and location for The Body Shop Spring 2010 program. Enrollment will be open to adolescents 13-18 years. Please call The Body Shop at 937-641-3504 for more information regarding future sessions.
Registration is based upon availability. The program fee is $25. Fee will be returned if child and parent attend 6 of 8 body shop classes.
The Body Shop is an 8-week program.
Classes are held once-weekly on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
The Body Shop Winter 2010 program will be held at Cleveland Elementary School and begin January 26th, 2010. Enrollment is this session is open to children 7-12 years only.
For more information or to register for this program, please call The Body Shop at 937-641-3504
Coming soon: Date and location for The Body Shop Spring 2010 program. Enrollment will be open to adolescents 13-18 years. Please call The Body Shop at 937-641-3504 for more information regarding future sessions.
Registration is based upon availability. The program fee is $25. Fee will be returned if child and parent attend 6 of 8 body shop classes.
The Body Shop,
weight management
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Active Living in the Winter
Winter has arrived along with freezing temperatures, snowy weather, short days and long nights. However, the key to a healthy lifestyle is not to hibernate but to make sure an active lifestyle lasts all winter long.
“The winter months can make it challenging to get the recommended one hour of physical activity each day for children,” says Christie Bernard, resource nurse in the Lipid Clinic at Dayton Children's. “It’s important to make sure that kids continue to be active in the winter months. Exercise helps children build healthier bones, strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, boost energy level and fend off cabin fever.”
Dayton Children’s offers five tips to keep kids active in the winter:
About our Expert: Christie Bernard, RN, BSN, resource nurse in the lipid clinic
Christie Bernard is a graduate from Wright State University in 1993. She started her nursing career at Good Samaritan Hospital in labor and delibery/mother baby . Through that experience she decided that pediatric nursing was her passion and pursued a career at Dayton Children’s. She has been a pediatric nurse at Dayton Children’s for 15 years. She have worked in the Lipid clinic for 7 of those years where she assesses and educates patients and families with obesity related complications and hypercholestolemia.
“The winter months can make it challenging to get the recommended one hour of physical activity each day for children,” says Christie Bernard, resource nurse in the Lipid Clinic at Dayton Children's. “It’s important to make sure that kids continue to be active in the winter months. Exercise helps children build healthier bones, strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, boost energy level and fend off cabin fever.”
Dayton Children’s offers five tips to keep kids active in the winter:
- Enjoy the outdoors. As long as children are dressed appropriately in warm layers and stay hydrated, there are many different kinds of winter activities to enjoy as a family—from a simple walk in the snow to ice skating, sledding or cross country skiing. Make the most of the winter wonderland.
- Make an indoor gym. Consider incorporating indoor stretching and exercise into typically sedentary activities. Stretch during commercials if you are watching TV. If your children need a more structured workout, consider stopping by your local library and checking out some kid-friendly exercise videos. Reconfigure your furniture to make room for rolling, climbing and tumbling in the home.
- Take advantage of community opportunities. Get a recreation guide for your community or watch the paper for fun activities that you can attend as a family to get out of the house.
- Limit screen time. Place limits on the amount of video, computer and TV time your child has each day. These habits can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and over-snacking.
- Be a role model. Setting the example for your children is very important. Make sure to join in on their winter activities to keep yourself healthy as well.
About our Expert: Christie Bernard, RN, BSN, resource nurse in the lipid clinic
Christie Bernard is a graduate from Wright State University in 1993. She started her nursing career at Good Samaritan Hospital in labor and delibery/mother baby . Through that experience she decided that pediatric nursing was her passion and pursued a career at Dayton Children’s. She has been a pediatric nurse at Dayton Children’s for 15 years. She have worked in the Lipid clinic for 7 of those years where she assesses and educates patients and families with obesity related complications and hypercholestolemia.
healthy lifestyle,
winter activity,
winter exercise
Monday, January 4, 2010
Kohl's Cares for Kids

Throughout the year, Kohl's sells special Kohl’s Cares for Kids® merchandise where 100% of the net profits are donated to support health and educational opportunities for children nationwide. Since 2000, more than $126 million has been raised to support children’s programs including those at Dayton Children's!
The next time you're looking for a great gift check out these items located at Kohl's.
Dr. Seuss,
Kohl's a Minute for Kids
Friday, January 1, 2010
Ring in a New Year of Eating Right
The new year is already here and as your family gets ready to hit the ground running with school activities and busy schedules, you might have questions about how to fit in a New Year’s resolution of losing weight. Not to worry- you’re not alone in your goal to reach a healthy weight; according to the U.S. government's official web portal,, the most popular New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, followed closely by the resolutions of “get fit” and “eat right”.
Let the expert’s at Dayton Children’s guide you and your family in your quest to get fit this winter.
Things to keep in mind while trying to achieve a healthy weight….
About our Expert Pamela M. Nisevich MS, RD, CSSD, LD
Pam has been a clinical dietitian at Dayton Children's since 2006. She is currently the director of The Body Shop and is the primary clinical dietitian for the 3E General Pediatrics unit and metabolic disorders. Pam received her BS in Dietetics from Miami University and completed her MS and dietetic internship at The Ohio State University. She has completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate and is currently working on a certification in sports nutrition. She is very involved in the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) Dietetic Practice Group and is interested in sports dietetics, food marketing, nutrition communications, teaching, and writing. Pam is a talented marathon runner and triathlete who dreams of becoming a professional athlete in an endurance sport.
Let the expert’s at Dayton Children’s guide you and your family in your quest to get fit this winter.
Things to keep in mind while trying to achieve a healthy weight….
- Losing weight is hard work, made even more difficult by feelings of hunger and deprivation. Fight off feelings of hunger by eating regularly scheduled, small meals and snacks. One of the biggest culprits we see derail healthy eating efforts is skipping breakfast. You can start the year off on the right track by making everyone in your house starts their day with something healthy in their tummy.
- Best breakfast picks include whole grain (low-sugar) cereals, low-fat milk, reduced-sugar yogurt, fresh and canned (in light syrup/juice) fruit, whole grain toast, and eggs or egg whites.
- Remember those fruits and vegetables! Incorporate a serving of fruits and/ vegetables at every single meal. In the winter months when fresh produce is hard to come by and more expensive, opt for frozen or canned (low sodium and in fruit juice) to get the most nutritional bang for your buck.
- Don’t drink your calories. We see countless patients who could easily reach a healthy weight just by cutting out juice, soda pop, energy drinks, and sports drinks.
- Drink water throughout the day and when thirst strikes, continue with water, calorie-free beverages, or skim milk.
- Don’t skimp on the protein when trying to lose weight. In a study led by researchers at Purdue University and published in the Journal of Obesity, it was found that a lower calorie diet that contained a higher amount of protein helped overweight women retain more lean body mass (such as muscle) while losing weight compared to women who consumed the same amount of calories but ate less protein. What does this mean for you and your family? Try to include protein at each meal and snack. The best sources of protein include lean meat, skinless poultry, eggs, low fat dairy, fish, soy products, and legume (such as kidney beans and pinto beans).
- Stay active during the winter months. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean it’s time to sit on the couch! Take advantage of playing out in the snow when it’s available and, if you are able, get your exercise by shoveling. If you’re stuck inside all day, stay active with dancing, jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups and more. For more ideas about ways to stay active, visit our website.
- Remember, it’s not always about the number on the scale; it’s about your health. By making simple changes to improve your diet and by becoming more active, you can reach that New Year’s Resolution of “get fit” and “eat right”. And that’s a HUGE accomplishment!
About our Expert Pamela M. Nisevich MS, RD, CSSD, LD
Pam has been a clinical dietitian at Dayton Children's since 2006. She is currently the director of The Body Shop and is the primary clinical dietitian for the 3E General Pediatrics unit and metabolic disorders. Pam received her BS in Dietetics from Miami University and completed her MS and dietetic internship at The Ohio State University. She has completed an American Dietetic Association Pediatric and Adolescent Weight Management Certificate and is currently working on a certification in sports nutrition. She is very involved in the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) Dietetic Practice Group and is interested in sports dietetics, food marketing, nutrition communications, teaching, and writing. Pam is a talented marathon runner and triathlete who dreams of becoming a professional athlete in an endurance sport.
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