Friday, June 20, 2008

Justice interviewed by WHIO-TV's Washington Bureau

Justice Thomas was interviewed by WHIO-TV's Washington Bureau yesterday in D.C. Watch her story by clicking here.


Susan Strader said...

Hey Justice, I just want you to know we here at Dayton Children's Medical Center are all so proud of you! Thanks for all you are doing-for all of us! I work at Dayton Children's Medical Center, and I love my job. Patients like you inspire all of us-you are awesome! Enjoy all of your new friends in Washington:)

Bethany Deines said...

Hey Girl...sounds like you are having a great time. We know you are doing a great job representing all the kids from Dayton Children's. If you get the chance, go to the American History Smithsonian. You can see the ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz.
Your blogs have been great! Thanks for keeping us updated and good luck with the rest of the trip.
Beth Deines
Director of Annual Gifts