Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good morning!! Saying hello from Washington D.C. again. I am having a blast in Washington D.C. Yesterday i got to meet and talk to Reps. Jim Jordan and Wes from his staff. Mr. Jordan said that he would be a supporter of Graduate Medical Education for Childrens hospitals! Mr. Jordan even knew someone from my home town, Brookville! They were so nice to talk to! I got to meet Stephaine Milburn from John Boehner's office. Today I am going to talk to Mike Turner and his office offered to give me a tour of the Capital building! I can't wait to go tour the capital building, it will be so much fun! I will take lots of Pictures. I am also going to meet Senators Brown and Voinovich, and I'm also going to meet Mr. Dave Hobson. Which he is a bid supporter of Childrens hospitals and kids like me! :)


Hannah said...

have fun touring the capital building!! its B-E-A-utiful!! (remember dont walk up capital hill bc it is really far!!! I love You!! You will do great!!

<3 Nah

Anonymous said...

hey Justice!
I just wanted to
wish you luck in
your journey!
[Kari's friend]